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24Apr-written-Kush bitten by snake

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24Apr-written-Kush bitten by snake Vide
PostSubject: 24Apr-written-Kush bitten by snake   24Apr-written-Kush bitten by snake EmptyFri Apr 24, 2009 2:25 pm

Jai Siya Ram

Kush - My brother's life is dearer to me. I am not afraid of death. It is my duty to save my brother's life. I will pluck the fruit.
Kush plucks a fruit and makes Luv eat it. Luv opens his eyes. Vetal disappears. LK take the bag and move further.
Kush remembers Vetal's warning that whoever plucks the fruit would be bitten by snake.

Luv - Bhaiya, why are you so quiet?
Kush - I was thinking about baba.
Luv - Now we have got the bag. Then why do you worry?
Kush - We have to get the swarn-kamal, so not know if I will be able to reach Kuber lok.
Luv - Bhaiya, what are you saying? There is lot of time before full moon.
Kush - No Luv, there is very little time.

LK bring the bag to Baba, who thanks them.
LK - Let us go. We have to move fast.
Baba - What is the hurry? In the morning, we will worship Sun god and then go. How are we going to cross the forest in the night? It takes 16 pahars to cross the forest.
Kush thinks - This means a snake will bite me on the way. If something happens to me, then how will Luv go alone? How will he cross this dangerous forest?
Baba - What are you thinking? Let us go to sleep.
Kush - Baba, we have to cross the forest not in 16 pahars but in 8 pahars.
Baba - This path is very long. In 8 pahars, we cannot cross even half the distance.
Kush - But I need to cross full.
Baba - There is only one way. We need to go through the cave. But there is a demon inside the cave, who comes out in the night to search for prey.
Luv - When does he go into the cave?
Baba - In the morning he goes back to the cave. If we cannot go out of the cave before morning, then he will eat us. I am very frightened. I want to stay alive.
LK - Ok you do not go. We will definitely go.

LK go.
Hanuman thinks - I know that this battle is tough for you, but I am helpless. I wish that you two fight this battle on your own.

Parvati - Mahadev, what is Hanuman doing? He knows that Kush's life is in danger. Still, he left Kush?
Shiv - This is the test, Uma and tests always need to be tough.
(Anybody whose exams are near agrees with this?) Hanuman ji wants LK to be so capable that they can easily cross the security in Kuber lok and get the swarn kamal.

LK reach near the cave.
Luv - Bhaiya, that demon is about to go out to eat. Then we will go inside.
Kush - No Luv, we do not have so much of time.
Luv - But this decision is not proper.

The demon (if you want to call it a demon) wakes up. He is a combination of a bear (like Jambvant) and a bird (like Jatayu). His getup is very good for a character in a cartoon movie.
Luv - Bhaiya, if we try to go inside now, then we will be killed.
Kush thinks - Luv, I am anyway to die.
Luv - Bhaiya, he has come.

The demon comes out with a combination of walk and dance. LK run to escape from them and the demon chases them. Luv's leg gets stuck under a bolder.

Parvati-Swami, trouble after trouble. You should stop this.
Shiv - There is difference between trouble and test.
Parvati - What kind of test is this, which shatters the heart?
Shiv - This is the nature of tests. Eternal nature.

The demon comes near. But somehow Luv frees his leg and LK run. They disturb some bolders so that bolders fall and cover the mouth of the cave. By now LK have escaped and the demon gets trapped inside the cave. After reaching a long distance from the cave, LK are happy that they are safe. They hug each other out of happiness.
Luv - Bhaiya, we won. We could come out of the cave.
Kush-Yes and that demon got trapped.
Luv-Now we will reach Kuber lok.
Kush-Nothing can stop us from getting the swarn kamal. When we go to the ashram, then Ma will be very happy.

Suddenly a snake bites Kush. Luv cries.
Kush-You need to go alone to bring the swarn kamal.
Kush dies. Luv bursts into tears. Hanuman (in his original form) reaches there. Luv does not see him.
Hanuman thinks - Kush, your test is over. Now Luv's test is about to begin. This will be the biggest test of his life.

Precap shows LK fighting Durdant and some other rakshasas. But the fight with Durdant has already been shown.
Sagars have turned such a nice epic into a cartoon serial. Do not know how long this track will continue. Now they will show Luv's test. So Sagars are showing that Hanuman not only meets Luv,Kush but also spends lots of time with them. How come Hanuman did not think even once whose sons Luv,Kush are?

Last edited by akhl on Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 38

24Apr-written-Kush bitten by snake Vide
PostSubject: Re: 24Apr-written-Kush bitten by snake   24Apr-written-Kush bitten by snake EmptyFri Apr 24, 2009 9:41 pm

hmm avi thanks for update

u r right cartoon serial it has turned out to be
since i havent watched yday show i cant comment more thanks dear
wud write more later
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